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The Stanstead College experience instills in its graduates the skills, 知识和价值观的必要实现他们的目标和贡献他们的社区负责, global citizens.
我们的招生团队将很乐意指导您完成申请过程, 回答你的问题,帮助你顺利过渡到体育菠菜大平台. 以下内容将帮助你了解当你决定申请体育菠菜大平台时应该期待什么.

Because Stanstead College looks at every student as an individual, 录取过程可能会根据学生及其家庭的需要而有所不同. However, the basic process is as follows (at right):
在斯坦斯特德,你很难找到一个由随和的人组成的社区,他们的家庭意识如此强烈. 跨时代的, 性别, 宗教 and any other differences we may have, Stanstead的特别之处在于它能把所有人聚集在一起.
- Andrew Bouchard, 2021, is studying Life Sciences at Queen's University

List of 5 items.

  • 1. 体育菠菜大平台

    联系 a member of the 招生 team. 如果可能的话,在校园参观日或预约参观学校.
  • 2. Complete an application

    You can find the link anyw在这里 on our website. The application should include:
    • $100 CAD application fee;
    • a recent photo of the applicant;
    • a copy of the applicant's birth certificate, 家庭户口簿或家庭关系证明(如适用,需要英文翻译);
    • references from the applicant's principal (英语/法国), teacher (英语/法国) and personal reference (英语/法国);
    • 申请人用英文写的兴趣陈述,说明申请人目前的兴趣以及他或她希望从体育菠菜大平台获得什么;
    • 申请人最近的成绩单及上一年度的期末成绩单副本;
    • 托福考试, 托福考试 Junior, 所有第一语言不是英语的申请人的雅思或多邻国考试成绩(见 “英语 Proficiency Recommendations”).

    Application en français
  • 3. Write the admissions test

    入学考试将在学校校园参观期间或在线进行. SSAT results (w在这里 available), if recently written by the student, may be submitted in lieu of the admissions test. 联系 us for more information.
  • 4. Have an interview

    This can be in person or online with a member of our 招生 team. 告诉我们为什么录取你会让体育菠菜大平台成为一个更好的地方.
  • 5. 验收!

    申请在全年持续接受. However, it is important to note that places are limited. 3月底前提交的申请将被优先考虑.

    所有非加拿大学生必须获得魁北克的录取证书(CAQ)和加拿大学习许可才能在加拿大体育菠菜大平台学习. More information 在这里.

View 我们的校园

Stanstead College does not discriminate on the basis of race, 宗教, 性别, sexual orientation or national origin in its educational programs, admission and hiring practices, or any of its school activities.